Ielts mock test-Mubs story
I took my practice speaking test today.Apart from me, Afaq and Katayoun managed to show up.
We had around 7-8 students willing to become the scapegoat and around 16-18 examiners.First, all of us were taken to room and introduced to the examiners, collectively.Later on, we were informed that each student would have to give 1 test and than a 2nd test to a different examiner, to give both the parties enough practice.
Fine with that..Each student was allotted alphabets from a-g and accordingly we dispersed to our respective separate rooms.
First interview:
2 people -1 asking questions verbally other was taking down notes
name of examiner: Elizabeth
Questions asked:
Show your ID please
1.What’s your name?
2.which country do you belong to?
3.What is the main festival of your country?
4.What are you doing currently-studying or working?
5.What do you think is the status/trend of cinema in today’s life?
6.Status of cinema in the years to come?
7.What are your views on censorship in this country?
Task 2:(what/when/where/why)
Any film/television show which effected my life ?
Ans:Bridget Jones diary
(the woman gave a big bright smile)
Would your recommend this film to other women? Of which age?
1.What kind of a family do you have?
2.Is it big or small?
3.Relating to the answer I gave, I was asked:
4.How do you spend time with your sister?
5.How does films, video games and television play role in our lives?
Comments I received from both the people at desk:
Easy to understand English
Confident person who rephrased sentences to get the point through
Pronunciation: good
Grammar: appropriate/enough variety
Fluency: really good
Vocabulary: relaxed, relevant … “didn’t hit the examiner in the face”
Negative comments:
Got lost in the topic pertaining cinema trends
(actually I forgot what the question was)
Second interview:2 examiners, one taking notes ,other doing the oral exam.
Name of examiner: Bob(good looking male )
Questions asked:
Show your ID please
1.Same questions as 1,2
2.Since when have you been studying English?
3.What are the different status symbol people recognise in your country?
4.Are they going to be any different in the future?
5.What was life like in the past, in regard to status symbols?
6.What do you do in spare time?
7.How do you spend your weekends?
8.Are your week days same as your weekends?
9.What are your hobbies?
10.How did you start inculcating this hobby?
Task 2:(what/when /where/why)
What is a thing you own , that you like and why?
Ans:Talked about my car.
Comments from both people at desk:
Strong candidate
Used certain idioms, which suited my answers
Diverse range of vocabulary
Speaking clearly
After much coercing by me:
They found one negative point-I lost steam in one of the answers in the middle, but no deduction of marks will be done.
They could only think of this point saying they were basically nit picking.
After the exam they asked what I would like to do in future and why?
I said I would love to see the examiner in my real life ielts exam also ;)
My observation:
The examiners were too friendly, maybe helping us to get over our nervousness.
They were encouraging, some other students said too much.
Conclusion: they are humans, with emotions ,just trying to do their jobs.
before the exam :-
i tried talking to as many new people as possible, just to get my jaw exercise done and get over the jitters.
Loads of water drinking.
Divert your attention prior the exam by listening to music you like or you will be nervous/edgy and sweat like a p!g.
Be there at least 20 min before the exam.
(in the real exam there would only be 1 examiner with a tape recorder)
I hope i could be of any help
Well, iam off now, tired!!
Thanks Yasmeen for informing us on time so that we could grab this fantabulus chance.
God bless you.
Mubs, at 11:09 PM
Well done Mubs!
Was it more nerve-wracking than the practice speaking I gave you?
Excellent feedback, thanks!
Yes, the art is to keep the thread and have enough "oomph" to carry you through. Once you have the momentum and confidence, then this is the part of IELTS that you have no excuse to do badly in, isn't it?
Good night
Tony Beale, at 11:22 PM
You are a great teacher Sir Tony.
I will try to remember and carry out what ever you have taught me in the other sections as well.
In the practice session we had with you, i was relaxed.
Here, 1 minute in the exam and i just let go of my self....DELIBERATELY!
By becoming conscious and trying tooo hard to think of a appropriate word would only cause blank outs-which i faced during my first test.
I believe that by improving our instant writing skills and vocabulary, we can do best in all the 4 sections.
Mubs, at 11:56 PM
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