The oracle answers
Hi bloggers!
In response to Afaq's query as to whether to use "a" or "an" before abbreviations, the rule is to obey the pronunciation. So it is correct to write "an" MBA or "an" FMCS. If it is pronounced as a consonant then use "a" as in "a" UN declaration, but if the pronunciation (NOT the spelling) is a vowel sound, then use "an".
"H" can be a problem - aspirated (Hard) H words take "a" as in "a" Herts. address or "a" hilac demonstration, BUT we write "an" H-bomb for the unaspirated (Soft) H sound.
So, forget the simple rules you learned at school, go with the sound not the spelling. Acronyms count as regular words in their own right, abbreviations are a special case.
Good luck
In response to Afaq's query as to whether to use "a" or "an" before abbreviations, the rule is to obey the pronunciation. So it is correct to write "an" MBA or "an" FMCS. If it is pronounced as a consonant then use "a" as in "a" UN declaration, but if the pronunciation (NOT the spelling) is a vowel sound, then use "an".
"H" can be a problem - aspirated (Hard) H words take "a" as in "a" Herts. address or "a" hilac demonstration, BUT we write "an" H-bomb for the unaspirated (Soft) H sound.
So, forget the simple rules you learned at school, go with the sound not the spelling. Acronyms count as regular words in their own right, abbreviations are a special case.
Good luck
English language is strange !
Or perhaphs, that is how i feel since iam not a native speaker of the language.
On the other hand,even when we communicate in urdu at home , there are discoveries everyday regarding small minute things.My parents keep correcting me by saying-either say it properly or do not use it.
I taught my 6 year old students the concept of vowels at school.It was hard and torturous making them memorize the usage of 'an' before the 5 letters-a,e,i,o,u.
I hope they do not feel cheated when they realise later on in life,by their peers that 'an' can be used besides the 5 vowels.
Sir, i would be going to the learning zone today around 5pm for my reading practice.Would you advise me to carry a dictionary along,in case i get stuck with a new /uncomprehendible word?
**i was scrutinized by "some people", the other day for not coming to the LZ.
Thank you for waking me up ;)
Mubs, at 8:29 AM
There you go, you do learn and live, don't you?
English can be rather INcompreHENSIBLE at times, my dear Mubs.
My advice is to make notes of words that you are unsure of, try to guess their meaning from context, then check the meaning at home or separately (did you really need to understand the meaning of those words?)
Try to do the readings under timed conditions, replicating exam pressures.
Did people really "scrutinise" you or "castigate" or "criticise" or even "excorate" you for not going to the LZ? WC query on that one.
Enjoy your freedom, when are you taking the actual IELTS, Mubs?
Tony Beale, at 9:35 AM
not a word I use frequently ...
Tony Beale, at 9:36 AM
not a word I use frequently ...
Tony Beale, at 9:36 AM
hmmm...(a big one)
Sir: God talking to you is enough for me to learn new words.My webster's dictionary comes into action everytime i see some posting done by you.
Ok, i will try figuring the words there and then within the 60min reading time period.
Afaq:I think i was clear enough by dropping hints.(Aqal naam ki bhi ek cheez hoti hay):P
Come on now,iam not commenting on this not want to be kicked out from this precious weblog.
Speaking of weblogs,i was scanning the newspaper today and found out that 40,000 new weblogs get registered DAILY..!!
Wow..isn't that amazing.People find it a better way to communicate rather then going to chat rooms and wasting time trying to find people of your choice.
Mubs, at 11:53 AM
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