Sample Ielts speaking questions
Hello everyone,
Since i was at home during the weekend, i tried surfing the net to find questions which could possibly be thrown at us during the speaking test.
Go through them and please add your own questions to this post also.
Some questions might be a bit weird.
1.''If you have the choice of going back or forward in time, what would you choose and why?''
2.''If you had the choice to exchange your beauty for anything else in the world, what would you exchange it for, and why?
3.“Somebelieve that too much of everything is as bad as too little. What do you think of this?''
4.What does a beauty contest teach?
5.Whom do you consider the most successful living woman, and why?"?
6.Whose death matters less: Princess Di's, or John F. Kennedy's?
7.How do you feel about animal testing by Revlon, CoverGirl and Loreal?
8.What has been the biggest disappointment in your life to date?
9.Do you think the government should try to legislate morality to create a better environment for children to grow up in?
10.Do you feel more comfortable in small gatherings or large parties?
11.What is your town/state known for?
12.Everybody worries about something. What do you worry about?
13.Do you prefer to have friends of the same sex or opposite sex? Why?
14.What makes you angry?
15.What makes you cry?
16.Tell us about your family...
17.Who is your family's "black sheep" and why?
18.You could spend a Saturday reading a novel or playing a sport, which would you pick and why?
19.Describe your community.
20.Why would anyone want to visit your community/state/country?
21.How do you relax?
22.What do you look for in a friend
23.How would you resolve the Middle East crisis?
24.Describe your future husband/wife
25.What is the greatest crisis facing your country?
26.Would a woman make a better - or worse - president of your country?
27.What is genocide?
28.Which of these women do you think was the best role model and why? Princess Diana...Mother Theresa...
29.If you could go back and start your life over again, what one thing would you do differently?
Since i was at home during the weekend, i tried surfing the net to find questions which could possibly be thrown at us during the speaking test.
Go through them and please add your own questions to this post also.
Some questions might be a bit weird.
1.''If you have the choice of going back or forward in time, what would you choose and why?''
2.''If you had the choice to exchange your beauty for anything else in the world, what would you exchange it for, and why?
3.“Somebelieve that too much of everything is as bad as too little. What do you think of this?''
4.What does a beauty contest teach?
5.Whom do you consider the most successful living woman, and why?"?
6.Whose death matters less: Princess Di's, or John F. Kennedy's?
7.How do you feel about animal testing by Revlon, CoverGirl and Loreal?
8.What has been the biggest disappointment in your life to date?
9.Do you think the government should try to legislate morality to create a better environment for children to grow up in?
10.Do you feel more comfortable in small gatherings or large parties?
11.What is your town/state known for?
12.Everybody worries about something. What do you worry about?
13.Do you prefer to have friends of the same sex or opposite sex? Why?
14.What makes you angry?
15.What makes you cry?
16.Tell us about your family...
17.Who is your family's "black sheep" and why?
18.You could spend a Saturday reading a novel or playing a sport, which would you pick and why?
19.Describe your community.
20.Why would anyone want to visit your community/state/country?
21.How do you relax?
22.What do you look for in a friend
23.How would you resolve the Middle East crisis?
24.Describe your future husband/wife
25.What is the greatest crisis facing your country?
26.Would a woman make a better - or worse - president of your country?
27.What is genocide?
28.Which of these women do you think was the best role model and why? Princess Diana...Mother Theresa...
29.If you could go back and start your life over again, what one thing would you do differently?
Very interesting, Mubs!
Presumably these rather abstract questions would come in the third section, when the examiner is trying to "push the envelope" to see how good your English really is ...
Thanks for your research.
Tony Beale, at 11:24 AM
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