Dear reader,
This is to inform you that a collective learning and test session for and by the ielts students will be held at the British Council, tomorrow, around 11am.
This particular session will include:
writing Task 1
Writing Task 2
Speaking Test
Reading test(if we have enough time)
If you are keen in improving your ielts skills,be there and remember to bring:
1.A4 size paper/pencil/sharpener/eraser, for written exam.
2.List of topics you can ask your fellow student during the speaking test.( we will be interviewing each other).
3.Any fantastic graph you went through in the news paper, which could be useful for our writing task 1.(cut and bring it along)
4.If you have a stop watch-BRING IT.
If not, try bringing a small clock.
5.Above all, remember to bring yourself.
Mohammad Sarhan has volunteered to come.
Are you up to it?
This is to inform you that a collective learning and test session for and by the ielts students will be held at the British Council, tomorrow, around 11am.
This particular session will include:
writing Task 1
Writing Task 2
Speaking Test
Reading test(if we have enough time)
If you are keen in improving your ielts skills,be there and remember to bring:
1.A4 size paper/pencil/sharpener/eraser, for written exam.
2.List of topics you can ask your fellow student during the speaking test.( we will be interviewing each other).
3.Any fantastic graph you went through in the news paper, which could be useful for our writing task 1.(cut and bring it along)
4.If you have a stop watch-BRING IT.
If not, try bringing a small clock.
5.Above all, remember to bring yourself.
Mohammad Sarhan has volunteered to come.
Are you up to it?
Excellent initiative, Mubs!
I really hope more people attend = any IELTSwords people worth inviting?
Zeena and I are going to watch the Garfield movie on DVD - the intellectual height of the weekend!
Enjoy, IELTSers and fantastic work Mubs!
Tony & Zeena :)
Tony Beale, at 7:55 PM
Oh boy, Garfield movie!
Sometimes i wish i could travel back in time and be a carefree kid.
Isn't life fun during that period?
I have no clue where ielts words have vanished-no word from katayoun or Afaq.
I guess i will have to make of what ever response we receive tomorrow.
love to Zeena
Mubs, at 10:06 PM
Maisa managed to show up.
No idea where M.Sarhan was!.
We did a timed reading session.Oh btw met Mohammad(i-words).He is suppose to do his speaking test today around 1pm.Well he did promise to let me know how his test went.
Almost 1pm,will be going home in a while.
We only managed to start at 12pm because some kids came in the LZ and we were asked to leave.
So i reckon, next time if someone wants to do a timed reading/writing test, come on sun and tues morning.
Mubs, at 12:59 PM
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