New IELTS Class - check your inboxes!
Hello class! Have you indeed checked your email inboxes?
Hope you have had a good day, I'll be seeing you in just under 4 hours' time.
Are you a match for IELTS? Let's see.
I hope you managed that letter for me.
Some negative points:
- One student was chewing gum - yuk! No more, please!
- One mobile wasn't silent - ah well the first day
- A 10 minute break is a 10 minute break is a 10 minute break...
Some positives:
- Everyone came - let's have 100% attendance every day
- You all had pens and pencils and looked interested. Now some HIGHLIGHTER pens pls!
- I was told that your level was high, so I can expect a lot from you
Some questions (to make sure you have logged in!):
- Why do I need your help on 21 May?
- What is the secret of IELTS success? ** Former students please feel free to comment.
- What is the best way to increase your vocabulary?
Anyway, my brain (and body) need to relax. So after a nap, I'll check to see who are the really, really keen students.
Yep, that lady sure means business. There are some other smart cookies in the class too!
Nice to hear from you, Yasmeen!
Tony Beale, at 10:28 PM
From what i have made of it,up till now, IELTS wants:
The tools we have:
1.Sir Tony(he is always there to help)
2.Learning zone-i prefer calling it LIFE zone.
3.Weblog:get involved by helping/correcting/guiding yourself and others.
4.Try substituting your alive friends with a dictionary-at least till you give your exam.
**Sir, could you kindly recommend any libraries having a section for kids.
My sister is on the verge of eating my brain and is bombarding me with requests to join a library.
I have asked her to concentrate solely on her studies as her final exams are scheduled in 2 weeks time.But, till than iam frantically searching and i thought perhaps, since you are in the education business, you might have some idea.
Mubs, at 8:26 AM
Hiya Mubs
Always good to hear from you and your ever-wise words to the new group.
Children's libraries are in short supply - how about the Daly Community library next to st Andrew's church (beside British School al Khubairat)?
At The Club, (ok "British" Club) we have a fabulous new library, of which I am the Secretary, but it's a private members club only. If Afaq or me could get ourselves organised and invite you and your sis to visit the Club, your eyes would pop at the super new Library which we launched last week. otherwise, any joy at the Cultural Foundation?
Good luck with the loooooong hooooooot ssssssssssssssummer here already! YIKES!!!
Tony Beale, at 9:03 AM
I have been a member of cultural foundation since '97.They have a wide range of books-only for adults :(
I would be going there to check if there are any new developments in regard to the childrens section.
Other than that, i will call up the Daly community to check if they have any such system to let kids borrow books.
Back home, books are very cheap and i often buy around 30-40 books on each visit for my sister.
Here,due to lack of reading material/facilities, children's attention get deflected to computer/video games.
Isn't it a shame?
Mubs, at 10:12 AM
Oh wow..thats great Jithu!
Ok do me a favour, ask your bro on behalf of me,if he has any contact number/s of Daly community.
Does any one have an clue what Daly means? and what community it is?
Any further info would be appreciated.
Mubs, at 2:37 PM
There you go, the network is working!
The "Daly" community library was named after a prominent expat, Mike DALY (I think) who has been in the UAE since Noah's Ark.
It is associated with the St Andrews Church and expat community, but obviously they welcome readers from all sections of the community.
Go for it, Mubs!
The wife of Edward "Strange Eventful History" Henderson, Jocelyn, has been involved with this library for years and years.
Caio, off for a snoozzzzzzzzzzze
Tony Beale, at 3:55 PM
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