Nice and relaxed?
Phew - that was the weekend that was - before you know it, Saturday is upon us.
Only Mais and Mohammed Sarhan are contributing to the blog. Mubarka is giving fantastic support, but yet again the silent majority just sit back and say / do nothing. Why do I bother Samira, Shamsa, Ghalya, Ashwaq, Shyma, Suha, Azza, Reda, Thara,Jithu, Mohannad,Ahmed, Salem, Nasser and Ahid? Some of you started posting / commenting and then stopped. Only Mais turned up on Thursday for a practice IELTS test run with Mubs. Hmmmmmmmmmmm, it seems you people are not hungry and are content to just sleep walk through the course. Come on, argue with me - let's have a reaction!
Ah well, I expect this posting will go the way of most of my others and be ignored by the class, what a pity...
Just to recap then:
Only Mais and Mohammed Sarhan are contributing to the blog. Mubarka is giving fantastic support, but yet again the silent majority just sit back and say / do nothing. Why do I bother Samira, Shamsa, Ghalya, Ashwaq, Shyma, Suha, Azza, Reda, Thara,Jithu, Mohannad,Ahmed, Salem, Nasser and Ahid? Some of you started posting / commenting and then stopped. Only Mais turned up on Thursday for a practice IELTS test run with Mubs. Hmmmmmmmmmmm, it seems you people are not hungry and are content to just sleep walk through the course. Come on, argue with me - let's have a reaction!
Ah well, I expect this posting will go the way of most of my others and be ignored by the class, what a pity...
Just to recap then:
- you have written me a task 2 essay
- you have the Learning Zone booked on Sat 21 May, from 7.30 - 8.30pm
- you will work in study groups in room 8 on that Sydney opera house reading / Task 1 writing handouts or in the Learning Zone until 8.30
- you will finish that reading exam you started last week while I interview Mohannad and Thara
- you will all acknowledge reading this message by commenting below or making a new posting as to your intentions on how to be more responsible for your own learning
- you can post a good luck message to my daughter Zeena who has her Grade 6 SAT exams this week as well as her violin and clarinet tests from the Associated Examinaning Board UK [she'd love to hear from anyone in ieltsmatch.blogspot. com]
- you should ALL see Ridley Scott's film Kingdom of Heaven - ignore the soppy romantic love interest bit and it is a very thoughtful, intelligent movie that people in the West MUST see and learn from. Zeena found it a bit gory in places, but as a fellow lover of history, I felt that she could benefit from seeing this film (she asked lots and lots and lots of questions...)
Sorry about no online correcting / mistake highlighting. I, too, need to switch off and relax at the weekends. However, for the next four days I'll be nagging and demanding effort - 'cos if there's no pain, there's no gain.
Good night i-match weblog. You don't seem to be late night net prowlers such as Yasmeen and Mubs, more's the pity.
Just can you try to respond and show me, Mubs and Yasmeen that you are listening and that you are interested? Is that too much to ask, ya pasha muhandis / muhandissa?
Your IELTS tutor
Tony (slightly disappointed, but still hopeful)
Hi Yasmeen!
No need to apologise, come on! Family comes first. I appreciate your commitment to the blog(s).
The problem is how to engage the class. I'm sure I-match bloggers are reading this now, but don't feel the urge to comment or make separate postings. Only 8 out of 17 have even registered on the ieltsmatch weblog itself. People are strange, aren't they?
If everyone was interested in football or the Star Wars movies or whatever, then we'd be flying. Is it a cultural thing? Are students from this area too insular, too shy to risk making mistakes and lose face? Pass on that one, please enlighten me, you silent readers.
OK, we have the IELTS "hook" - maybe all that is required is just loads of exam tips / model answers / short cuts - anything that does the job with less stress and real effort...
Thoughts, comments, reactions, as ever, are most welcome.
Have a super Saturday!
CU l8r
Tony Beale, at 9:47 AM
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