My fellow ielts exam warriors,
I often used to get baffled by the concept of using comma ,AND and together in a sentence.Most of my corrections done on this weblog bear witness to my confusion.
But, not any more.
After much research on the internet and my faithful dictionary, i have reached to this conclusion that both(comma,and) can be most certainly used together-in a sentence.
Comma is used in coordination of conjunctions such as and,but,for,or and nor when they join the clauses of a compound sentence.
We have never been to that place before,and were delighted with the scenic beauty.
I have heard and read so much about her dancing skills,but still fail to understand what the uproar is about.
Apart from the above mentioned examples, it can be used in short sentences or otherwise.
When the class was over, our heads were swimming.
You are coming too, arent you?
and so on.
It feels great to overcome such language hurdles ,specially when we use them everyday and yet seem to ignore the basic rules.
If you have such related queries/comments/discoveries, go on and post it on the weblog.
Someone reading it might benefit from your knowledge!
I often used to get baffled by the concept of using comma ,AND and together in a sentence.Most of my corrections done on this weblog bear witness to my confusion.
But, not any more.
After much research on the internet and my faithful dictionary, i have reached to this conclusion that both(comma,and) can be most certainly used together-in a sentence.
Comma is used in coordination of conjunctions such as and,but,for,or and nor when they join the clauses of a compound sentence.
We have never been to that place before,and were delighted with the scenic beauty.
I have heard and read so much about her dancing skills,but still fail to understand what the uproar is about.
Apart from the above mentioned examples, it can be used in short sentences or otherwise.
When the class was over, our heads were swimming.
You are coming too, arent you?
and so on.
It feels great to overcome such language hurdles ,specially when we use them everyday and yet seem to ignore the basic rules.
If you have such related queries/comments/discoveries, go on and post it on the weblog.
Someone reading it might benefit from your knowledge!
Hi Mubs
I tend NOT to use the "Oxford" comma before AND in a sentence.
People seem to misuse, underuse or fail to use this punctuaion mark.
It has its place, don't you agree?
Super post, Mubs, thanks
Tony Beale, at 12:37 PM
well than, i will not use it before the conjuctions.
It is just that whenever i read books or even passages from newspaper/magazines and so on, the writer 'always' use both(comma AND) together.
It is very mind boggling!
So advice me,even if we join them, there won't be any deduction in our marks..or will there be?
Mubs, at 1:05 PM
No Mubs!
I meant comma before "AND".
By all means, use the noble comma with conjunctions and linking words.
Although it might seem strange, there is a perverse logic at work here.
However, punctuation is an art in itself, wouldn't you say?
No matter how hard some people try, they never master the nuances of correct punctuation, do they?
Amazingly, the book "Eats, Shoots and Leaves" by Lynn Truss was a world-wide bestseller - its theme was the appalling inability of most native speakers to punctuate correctly. She gets a bit shrill and over-presciptive, in my humble opinion, but it's a short, amusing and informative book. Why not check it out?
Hey you guys, this isn't the Mubs and Tony show, join the debate, oh you silent readers and lurkers!
Tony Beale, at 2:15 PM
hello stranger!
where have you been?
I thought you had gone to heaven to escape the ielts wrath!
Pleased to have you back!
blog on..;)
Mubs, at 5:02 PM
This whole language frustration and failures remind me what Mohammad Azeem once said in the class, when he was speaking in favour of globalish language.
I was taking down the notes during that lesson and untill recently,stumbled across it:'We will try, try and try and than die-but will not become master of this language".
Just got a copy of 10 national geographic magazines today for reference and reading.
I fail to give up-yet!
Mubs, at 5:41 PM
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