Afaq or anyone
Hey people!
How are things goin?
I just read Afaq's comments.
Sanx Afaq for letting me know what you got in your writing task :)
He wrote:"Topic for writing task 2 was.. Should parenting be taught to students? Give your opinion"
Did he mean, that should students be taught how to become parents for instance, how to take care of younger kids ?.
That is what i understood from the sentence(!!)
How are things goin?
I just read Afaq's comments.
Sanx Afaq for letting me know what you got in your writing task :)
He wrote:"Topic for writing task 2 was.. Should parenting be taught to students? Give your opinion"
Did he mean, that should students be taught how to become parents for instance, how to take care of younger kids ?.
That is what i understood from the sentence(!!)
It was more that parenting is a skill necessary for life - not a "do-it-yourself" how to babysit course.
See it as part of the teaching moral responsibility and awareness of key decisions that can be taken lightly or for the wrong reasons.
Tony Beale, at 2:32 PM
yes, i got the point.
The emphasis was on parenting as a serious issue.
Thank you, perhaps i might consider writing an essay on it.
How is Zeena?
If possible, Sir i would like to discuss certain career options regarding my masters in Uk.
Do you advise i should blog it on the cronies site to get a view of what people think-if they reply?
Mubs, at 5:34 PM
Thanks Mubs
Zeena is fine, she passed her violin AND clarinet music exams with distinction and we are so proud of her. I'm sure her SATs were of a good standard too. How did Maria get on?
Yes, do post up on the cronies website. That might start the post-IELTS ball rolling.
I start my next course on 18 June (Sat - Wed for 3 weeks), so I'll be quite involved with the new group. So I-match will fade away and the new blog will take over (I haven't set it up yet, but plan to do so over the weekend).
"Tony's cronies" is meant to be a broader focus blog rather than just fire fighting for IELTS.
Take care, thanks for your tremendous support to this blog - the class would love to meet you - a number of I-match are also IELTSing on 9 / 11 June. Wear a carnation in your hair!
Tony Beale, at 10:39 PM
I-dream sounds a promising name.I will love to be a part it.Infact, i tremendously enjoy contributing to the weblog because in return i can keep a check on my mistakes.Afterall, as Gandhi said:"learn as if you were to live forever".
I will be posting 2 more essays.It is time i focused on my writing task 1 and speaking.
Glad to hear Zeena did well.Hard work sure pays off.!
She definitely has the brains to go with the beauty.
On the other hand,Maria has her last exam on this wednesday-tHANK YOU LORD for that.Rarely i wonder if life would have been more convenient without the hassles of a younger sibling.But surely it would not have been such colourful-i rather enjoy the roller coaster ride.
Yes i will be posting on the other weblog.
It is and always will be an immense pleasure to be associated with you,our ielts teacher.
Mubs, at 1:04 AM
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