Essay # 17 + the tiger treatment - grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!
The idea of going overseas for university study is an exciting prospect for many people.But while it may offer some advantages, it is probably better to stay at home because of the difficulties a student inevitably encounters living and studying in a differnt culture.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? .Give reasons for your answer.
This essay was due on friday.My tooth had given me a run for my life.Lots of pain,tears and a visit to the doctor prevented me to write yesterday.
Iam back..yet again!
Fredrick Douglas, a black US writer once said:" without struggle, there is no progress". This quote stresses (on) the fact that standing still is more dangerous (WC) then growing slowly.Every year, we witness thousands of prospective students, mainly from Asia, flocking to the UK, Australia and Canada for higher studies.In my essay, I will highlight both the sides of the argument. I am a strong supporter of obtaining education in a different country, for a better recognized and viable degree which is and should be the choice of all students. (hmmm. let's see if you deliver...)
Due to the intense culture shock and independent life stlye (S) in distant countries, many asian (P) parents prefer their children to secure education at home.I personally know of such a case, where the student attained his Master's degree from an American institute in Dubai.Nevertheless, he failed to get a job as a teacher because the institute was not recognized by the Ministry of Education.The parents regretted their decision later on, after much (of the) time and effort was wasted, not to forget the money spent which was almost (of) the same value if he would have studied in some foreign country.
Education abroad is not just about getting a degree and returing (S) home.It is about learning other traditions, interacting with unknown cultures, being tolerant and open minded.Many misconceptions and notions regarding various nationalities are cleared.Furthermore, university life means being independent from doing your own laundry, grocery, to paying bills and so on without Mum and Dad on the side to help one out. Let me strengthen my stand by relating a program I saw on Pakistani channel Geo Tv, Career Online, where a succesful fashion designer and a make up artist emphasized the importance of univeristy (S) degrees-for customer satisfaction, because high level education in these fields are not available in Pakistan and foreign degrees are a guarantee to getting a job or to having a flourishing business.
To conclude, let me cite a statistics report that states that around 100-200 PhDs graduate from Pakistan every year.Whereas the figure reaches 2000 and more in neighbouring countries. (in Asia) If a student does not get the chance for better education in his required field in his native country, should he waste his life or shift to another country for better learning opportunities? My opinion reflect's my stand which is that aiming for a goal and attaining are of paramount importance. As an ancient saying goes: "receive education even if you have to travel all the way to China".
time:35-40 min
Yes, I would say that you have proven your case. have you consciously tried to "tone down" the rhetoric? If so, I definitely think it enhances the style, content and register of your essay.
Yes, I-match people, Mubs is really going for it. Are you idling along on cruise control? Hmmmmm "no pain, no gain" - maybe a raging toothache would do some of the sleepwalkers some good, eh Mubs?
That's all from me for the moment. My stomach is rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrumbling, can you hear it?
Tony the Tiger
This essay was due on friday.My tooth had given me a run for my life.Lots of pain,tears and a visit to the doctor prevented me to write yesterday.
Iam back..yet again!
Fredrick Douglas, a black US writer once said:" without struggle, there is no progress". This quote stresses (on) the fact that standing still is more dangerous (WC) then growing slowly.Every year, we witness thousands of prospective students, mainly from Asia, flocking to the UK, Australia and Canada for higher studies.In my essay, I will highlight both the sides of the argument. I am a strong supporter of obtaining education in a different country, for a better recognized and viable degree which is and should be the choice of all students. (hmmm. let's see if you deliver...)
Due to the intense culture shock and independent life stlye (S) in distant countries, many asian (P) parents prefer their children to secure education at home.I personally know of such a case, where the student attained his Master's degree from an American institute in Dubai.Nevertheless, he failed to get a job as a teacher because the institute was not recognized by the Ministry of Education.The parents regretted their decision later on, after much (of the) time and effort was wasted, not to forget the money spent which was almost (of) the same value if he would have studied in some foreign country.
Education abroad is not just about getting a degree and returing (S) home.It is about learning other traditions, interacting with unknown cultures, being tolerant and open minded.Many misconceptions and notions regarding various nationalities are cleared.Furthermore, university life means being independent from doing your own laundry, grocery, to paying bills and so on without Mum and Dad on the side to help one out. Let me strengthen my stand by relating a program I saw on Pakistani channel Geo Tv, Career Online, where a succesful fashion designer and a make up artist emphasized the importance of univeristy (S) degrees-for customer satisfaction, because high level education in these fields are not available in Pakistan and foreign degrees are a guarantee to getting a job or to having a flourishing business.
To conclude, let me cite a statistics report that states that around 100-200 PhDs graduate from Pakistan every year.Whereas the figure reaches 2000 and more in neighbouring countries. (in Asia) If a student does not get the chance for better education in his required field in his native country, should he waste his life or shift to another country for better learning opportunities? My opinion reflect's my stand which is that aiming for a goal and attaining are of paramount importance. As an ancient saying goes: "receive education even if you have to travel all the way to China".
time:35-40 min
Yes, I would say that you have proven your case. have you consciously tried to "tone down" the rhetoric? If so, I definitely think it enhances the style, content and register of your essay.
Yes, I-match people, Mubs is really going for it. Are you idling along on cruise control? Hmmmmm "no pain, no gain" - maybe a raging toothache would do some of the sleepwalkers some good, eh Mubs?
That's all from me for the moment. My stomach is rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrumbling, can you hear it?
Tony the Tiger
Again, you're hitting the target, Mubs, well done despite all the anguish involved!
I have some minor comments regarding punctuation, one grammar howler and a few typically idiosynchratic Mubsy expression.
Being less confontational is also a wise policy.
I'll try to edit properly at home this afternoon - it'll only take me 10 minutes, maximum.
Yasmeen is busy with life and work.
Mohammed Saeed has gone AWOL.
Afaq has kindly agreed to talk to I-match class tomorrow, which I greatly appreciate.
Tony Beale, at 11:40 AM
I just hope things go well in the exam also.My preference will be the task 2 followed by task 1.
Afaq is coming to class tomorrow?
I just have 2 questions for him:
a)what topic did he get for writing?
b)what questions was he asked in the speaking exam?
God Bless you Sir on teaching us how to hold/use our swords against the ielts monster.
Mubs, at 4:49 PM
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