Essay # 51
**Is animal testing necesary?
The great physicist, Newton once said: "to every action there is a reaction".This can be metaphorically applied to the fact that every disease has a solution.Every year we witness thousands of patients dying from diseases such as cancer, Aids and so on.For the continuation of the human race, animal testing plays an (invariably) vital role.In my opinion, such experiments on animals should be carried out to find the causes of such epidemics and eventually help lead to their eradication from the face of earth.
No doubt animal lovers disagree with man playing God with regard to such creatures.But, are the lives of animals more important then human beings? For instance before Dolly, the first cloned sheep came to being, around 1000 similar experiments took place to create a perfect sheep.By doing so, human beings can find out about the code of life.Most importantly, we can discover how genes decide our physical and psychological nature.Another example that must be cited here is regarding human beings' century old romance with (the) outer space.The constant need to find life in any form outside earth has given birth to numerous (outer) space ventures.But not many people know that here too animal testing took place-the first earth inhabitant to go into space was a monkey {it was a dog, actually!!}, long before Neil Armstrong landed on the moon.This was done to check whether humans could survive in outerspace with artifical oxygen and no gravity. (Is this line of argument relevant to the sphere of animal testing per se?)
To strengthen my stand on animal testing, let me state that billions of dollars are spent annually on experimenting the latest make-up products on animals before certifying them usable for humans. {not such a noble endeavour??} Such steps are necessary to check what sort of allergies or side effects could occur due to use of the product.Since monkeys and mice have almost the same genetic material as humans, it is essential to check any new medicine on them, before certifying it for the public use.We can not risk experimenting drugs on humans as they might have deadly results.Appropriate vaccines for diseases such as polio, cancer,meningitis,chicken pox and so on have been developed by having been tested on animals // with the help of animals.
To sum up (my essay), I do believe in and support animal testing - for the sake of human survival.If we want a disease-free life then we have to sacrifice these animals.There is no other way because it is a "do or die" situation fo the human race.
Time : 40 min(including 5 min for checking)
Words: 382
Yeah, strong opening and conclusion - the paragraph on using animals to test make-up allergies was not as convincing as the others. Similarly, animals into space was a very limited undertaking. However, you make your case very powerfully and there is no uncertainty as to your position on this issue.
I prefer the less confrontational tone of this essay - it works better, Mubarka!
Good luck on 9 / 11 !!!!
The great physicist, Newton once said: "to every action there is a reaction".This can be metaphorically applied to the fact that every disease has a solution.Every year we witness thousands of patients dying from diseases such as cancer, Aids and so on.For the continuation of the human race, animal testing plays an (invariably) vital role.In my opinion, such experiments on animals should be carried out to find the causes of such epidemics and eventually help lead to their eradication from the face of earth.
No doubt animal lovers disagree with man playing God with regard to such creatures.But, are the lives of animals more important then human beings? For instance before Dolly, the first cloned sheep came to being, around 1000 similar experiments took place to create a perfect sheep.By doing so, human beings can find out about the code of life.Most importantly, we can discover how genes decide our physical and psychological nature.Another example that must be cited here is regarding human beings' century old romance with (the) outer space.The constant need to find life in any form outside earth has given birth to numerous (outer) space ventures.But not many people know that here too animal testing took place-the first earth inhabitant to go into space was a monkey {it was a dog, actually!!}, long before Neil Armstrong landed on the moon.This was done to check whether humans could survive in outerspace with artifical oxygen and no gravity. (Is this line of argument relevant to the sphere of animal testing per se?)
To strengthen my stand on animal testing, let me state that billions of dollars are spent annually on experimenting the latest make-up products on animals before certifying them usable for humans. {not such a noble endeavour??} Such steps are necessary to check what sort of allergies or side effects could occur due to use of the product.Since monkeys and mice have almost the same genetic material as humans, it is essential to check any new medicine on them, before certifying it for the public use.We can not risk experimenting drugs on humans as they might have deadly results.Appropriate vaccines for diseases such as polio, cancer,meningitis,chicken pox and so on have been developed by having been tested on animals // with the help of animals.
To sum up (my essay), I do believe in and support animal testing - for the sake of human survival.If we want a disease-free life then we have to sacrifice these animals.There is no other way because it is a "do or die" situation fo the human race.
Time : 40 min(including 5 min for checking)
Words: 382
Yeah, strong opening and conclusion - the paragraph on using animals to test make-up allergies was not as convincing as the others. Similarly, animals into space was a very limited undertaking. However, you make your case very powerfully and there is no uncertainty as to your position on this issue.
I prefer the less confrontational tone of this essay - it works better, Mubarka!
Good luck on 9 / 11 !!!!
Hi Mubs
As ever, you make your case quite forcefully. You are not afraid to be rather politically incorrect, bravo!
I only have minor word use queries and a few spelling slips to highlight - no obvious howlers this time, well done! I can give you a quick feedback / edit when I get home this afternoon.
Have you consciously tried to "tone down" the rhetoric?
Tony Beale, at 7:00 AM
Dear Sir,
Yes,i did indeed work on correcting my mistakes or what will be the use of having my work corrected?
Not once but several times i have been asked to keep a check on my rhetoric statements.This meant that i sounded too pretentious -so yeah i have been cutting off the rough edges to give the essay a smooth appreciable look.
No problemo!
I know you are a busy man always in action,so please do the honours of correction WHENEVER you have time :)
Mubs, at 7:33 AM
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